>A = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
>B = [1]
>C= [ 10 20 30]
[2 3 4; 5 6 7; 8 9 10]
[11 22 33; 14 25 26; 17 28 39]
ちなみに、bsxfun関数を使わなくとも、A + BやA + Cをやっても同じ結果が返される。デフォルトで有効になっているということだろうか。(後で調べる)
OctaveやNumpyではbroadcastingと呼んでいるが、Matlabではbinary singleton expansion、Rではsingle instruction multiple dataとかreplicationと呼ばれたりするらしい。
A note on terminology: “broadcasting” is the term popularized by the Numpy numerical environment in the Python programming language. In other programming languages and environments, broadcasting may also be known as binary singleton expansion (BSX, in MATLAB, and the origin of the name of the bsxfun
function), recycling (R programming language), single-instruction multiple data (SIMD), orreplication.
GNU Octave 19.2 broadcasting
Mathworks bsxfun